Removing vascular lesions on the face and body using lasers has become a popular cosmetic procedure.

Advanced technology allows for the elimination of skin imperfections that not only impact one’s appearance but can also cause emotional distress. It’s important to understand that not all vascular changes are necessary – some may occur naturally.

Causes of vascular changes

Vascular lesions on the skin can have various origins, including;

1. Genetics – Certain types of vascular lesions like spider veins or erythema may be inherited.
2. External factors. Exposure to light, UV radiation, extreme temperatures (both cold and hot), wind and physical trauma can lead to vascular changes.
3. Hormones. Changes in hormone levels due to pregnancy, menopause, hormone therapy or contraception can affect blood vessels.
4. Skin conditions – Conditions like rosacea often result in visible skin issues.
5. Aging. As we age, our blood circulation weakens, impacting the function of telangiectasia.

Changes in appearance

The common vascular abnormalities that are typically treated with tools are;

1. Telangiectasia. Small, visible blood vessels, often resembling spider veins, commonly found on the face and in conversations.
2. Basal hemangiomas. Innate pink or red vascular patches that can be located on different parts of the body.
3. Ruby hemangiomas, also known as “rubys”. Red lesions usually seen on the trunk of elderly individuals.

Laser treatment for vascular abnormalities

Using lasers is a popular method for managing vascular abnormalities. By emitting light beams absorbed by hemoglobin in normal vessels, lasers facilitate their breakdown and gradual absorption by the body. Additionally, electrocoagulation and microsclerotherapy can be utilized for minor vascular issues.
Commonly used devices include;

1. 980 nm diode laser. Effective for treating conditions like telangiectasias, spider veins and ruby angiomas.
2. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). A technology utilizing light pulses that prove effective in treating vascular abnormalities.
We are discussing here using the example of erythema to support the treatment of rosacea and light telangiectasia on the face.

Potential Disease Changes;

Not all vascular changes are solely related to aesthetic concerns; some necessitate specialized treatment. These conditions include;

1. Early infantile hemangiomas. Vascular tumors found in newborns that may necessitate a combination of pharmacological and laser treatments administered by pediatric specialists.
2. Vascular lesions with systemic involvement. Requiring systemic treatment.
3. Changes indicative of liver disease. Such as spider veins that may indicate viral infections or other illnesses.
4. Venus Lake. Vascular changes occurring around the lips area.
5. Varicose veins. Treatable through various methods including sclerotherapy or intravascular laser procedures.

In Conclusion;

The use of laser therapy for removing vascular lesions is considered safe and effective, enhancing both appearance and quality of life. It is vital to consult with a knowledgeable specialist to understand potential effects and contraindications before opting for this treatment. Making an informed decision about its application involves acknowledging potential health risks responsibly.

It’s important to keep in mind that one or two actions alone may not suffice; a sequence of outcomes might be required because changes in blood vessels can be activated at various layers of the skin.

Best Regards

Dr Magdalena Atta-Motte BSc, MSc, PhD,

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